How to make a Russian woman go crazy for you?

russian women

Many men from all over the world would like Russian women as a life partner and a wife because of their natural beauty, Slavic principles and values. But it is not at all easy to prepare them to go for dating unless you own truly good qualities.

It is true that Russian girls focused more on men’s characteristics than their outer appearance. Therefore we are going to talk about some points that are required to make an impression and make a Russian girl love you and go crazy for you.

What Russian girls like the most in men?

Prior to mentioning the points that are liked most by Russian women in men, keep in mind that they are very fragile, delicate and sensitive. Russian women love their dear ones and respect their relationship from the bottom of their hearts.

Let’s take a look at the 3 factors given below:

- A man should respect his wife

It is a desire that makes Russian women seek a husband in foreign countries because the common beliefs of Russian people make Russian women less powerful and as a result a victim of domestic violence occasionally. So, a main trait that Russian women want to look in their future husbands is that they should respect their wives … and other women as too.

- Men who are strong enough to take care of their families

Russia is a country where males are assumed to be stronger than females and also responsible for supporting their families financially. On the other side women take care of children and households. So, the basic liking of Russian women about a man begins from the fact that he should be able to take care of his family.

- A man who loves and takes care of his woman

All Russian women love to get pampered. They like men who can take care of all their wishes and desires, who can pamper them and love them with genuine intentions. It is very simple to win a Russian woman’s heart with the real love, but remember any Russian woman is also a gifted and genius in understanding actual intentions of any man.

If you have all above characters, it would not be a hard job to win the heart of a Russian girl, because what she look for in a man and a future husband is simply his genuine and true love, caring approach and admiration for his family.

What does make Russian women so popular and desirable?

Russian women are very popular but they are not that easily available for dating, unlike for example Filipino women. Some of their qualities that make them the most wanted and desirable women are:

1- Russian women care a lot about their families and it comes on the top of their priority list.
2- Russian girls is very attractive and beautiful with a perfect physical shape and long legs.
3- Most Russian women know how to cook and they do it very well.
4- They give their main preference to marriage and have all the traits of loving, faithful and loyal wives.
5- True love and long life relationship are more important to them than money because they want good husbands.

Some tips

Let a Russian woman know you like her for who she is, not where she comes from. Russian girls are used to being fetishized and if you make them think that you only like her because she is beautiful, exotic and known to be sexy, she will quickly be disappointed and turned off. So here is what you should do:

- Try not to ask too many questions about Russia straight away unless she is open about it.

- Show an interest in her life by asking about her interest, hobbies, family, friends, her profession, etc.

- Do not tell her that your last girlfriend were Russian, or that she reminds you of some Russian women you know, because this will not make her feel comfortable or special for you.

Talking about sex before you have been intimate with a Russian woman

If you wish to talk about you and her, it would sound weird and creepy for a girl with whom you have never been close and intimate. A Russian woman will like doing anything with the man she indeed loves and who makes her feel confident and safe in her body. Remember even the most beautiful women in the world have insecurities. Also keep in mind it is the nature and quality of your relationship that in a big degree determines the quality of your sexual life with your Russian woman.

If you want things in bed to go effortlessly and smoothly, be a real gentleman and look after her. You will have to initiate, remember a Russian woman will not jump on you. Moreover a Russian girl won’t tell a man she did not slept with about her sexual fantasies, and she will be definitely uncomfortable and awkward hearing about yours. Mutual comfort will let you to go on to a great intimacy smoothly, and talk about these things later comfortably and openly.

Comments from the web:

- The thing is, Russian girls want to have sex, and they really want to have sex with foreigners. As long as you follow basic game principles, it’s a slam dunk. Just be a charming man on the date, give her an excuse to come back with you, and don’t assume anything.

- In Russia with low men to women ratio and a large drug or alcohol problem, we would expect to see women desperate to leave Russia through marriage. Their physical appearance becomes of utmost importance, because this, in their view, is their way out. Sleeping with men who offer a way out and possibly even fake a relationship, may be simply another tactical move. Even if the man is not a savior, these girls will be in a better country, or so the thinking goes.