34 years old

Woman from Odessa

Profile number
: 1175

Name: Tatyana

Age: 34 years old

Birth date: 6 December

Country: Ukraine

City: Odessa

Height: 165 cm - 5' 5"

Weight: 51 kg - 112.5 lbs

Marital status: Divorced

Children: 8 years old daughter

Education: Higher education

Profession: Economist

Languages: English basic, Russian, Ukrainian

Interests: Swimming, dancing, yoga

Self Description: I am open, active and gentle woman with a good sense of humor.

Partner description: 34-48 years old. Open, cheerful, determined, loves life, wants to start a family and have children, values relationships and family, loves sport and travelling.

Available contacts of this lady: Email, Postal address


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Woman from Odessa

Woman from Odessa

Woman from Odessa

Woman from Odessa

Woman from Odessa

Woman from Odessa